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Embedded Functions

Embedded functions are a special kind of function where the implementation is embedded within the actual plan. They are commonly used in tools where a user intersperses business logic within a data pipeline. This is more common in data science workflows than traditional SQL workflows.

Embedded functions are not pre-registered. Embedded functions require that data be consumed and produced with a standard API, may require memory allocation and have determinate error reporting behavior. They may also have specific runtime dependencies. For example, a Python pickle function may depend on pyarrow 5.0 and pynessie 1.0.

Properties for an embedded function include:

Property Description Required
Function Type The type of embedded function presented. Required
Function Properties Function properties, one of those items defined below. Required
Output Type The fully resolved output type for this embedded function. Required

The binary representation of an embedded function is:

message EmbeddedFunction {
  repeated Expression arguments = 1;
  Type output_type = 2;
  oneof kind {
    PythonPickleFunction python_pickle_function = 3;
    WebAssemblyFunction web_assembly_function = 4;

  message PythonPickleFunction {
    bytes function = 1;
    repeated string prerequisite = 2;

  message WebAssemblyFunction {
    bytes script = 1;
    repeated string prerequisite = 2;

As the bytes are opaque to Substrait there is no equivalent human readable form.

Function Details

There are many types of possible stored functions. For each, Substrait works to expose the function in as descriptive a way as possible to support the largest number of consumers.

Python Pickle Function Type

Property Description Required
Pickle Body binary pickle encoded function using [TBD] API representation to access arguments. True
Prereqs A list of specific Python conda packages that are prerequisites for access (a structured version of a requirements.txt file). Optional, defaults to none

WebAssembly Function Type

Property Description Required
Script WebAssembly function True
Prereqs A list of AssemblyScript prerequisites required to compile the assemblyscript function using NPM coordinates. Optional, defaults to none
Discussion Points
  • What are the common embedded function formats?
  • How do we expose the data for a function?
  • How do we express batching capabilities?
  • How do we ensure/declare containerization?