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SQL to Substrait tutorial

This is an introductory tutorial to learn the basics of Substrait for readers already familiar with SQL. We will look at how to construct a Substrait plan from an example query.

We’ll present the Substrait in JSON form to make it relatively readable to newcomers. Typically Substrait is exchanged as a protobuf message, but for debugging purposes it is often helpful to look at a serialized form. Plus, it’s not uncommon for unit tests to represent plans as JSON strings. So if you are developing with Substrait, it’s useful to have experience reading them.


Substrait is currently only defined with Protobuf. The JSON provided here is the Protobuf JSON output, but it is not the official Substrait text format. Eventually, Substrait will define it’s own human-readable text format, but for now this tutorial will make due with what Protobuf provides.

Substrait is designed to communicate plans (mostly logical plans). Those plans contain types, schemas, expressions, extensions, and relations. We’ll look at them in that order, going from simplest to most complex until we can construct full plans.

This tutorial won’t cover all the details of each piece, but it will give you an idea of how they connect together. For a detailed reference of each individual field, the best place to look is reading the protobuf definitions. They represent the source-of-truth of the spec and are well-commented to address ambiguities.

Problem Set up

To learn Substrait, we’ll build up to a specific query. We’ll be using the tables:

  product_id: i64 NOT NULL,
  quantity: i32 NOT NULL,
  order_date: date NOT NULL,
  price: decimal(10, 2)
CREATE TABLE products (
  product_id: i64 NOT NULL,
  categories: list<string NOT NULL> NOT NULL,
  details: struct<manufacturer: string, year_created: int32>,
  product_name: string

This orders table represents events where products were sold, recording how many (quantity) and at what price (price). The products table provides details for each product, with product_id as the primary key.

And we’ll try to create the query:

  sum(quantity * price) as sales
  orders.product_id = products.product_id
  -- categories does not contain "Computers"
  INDEX_IN("Computers", categories) IS NULL

The query asked the question: For products that aren’t in the "Computer" category, how much has each product generated in sales?

However, Substrait doesn’t correspond to SQL as much as it does to logical plans. So to be less ambiguous, the plan we are aiming for looks like:

|-+ Aggregate({sales = sum(quantity_price)}, group_by=(product_name, product_id))
  |-+ InnerJoin(on=orders.product_id = products.product_id)
    |- ReadTable(orders)
    |-+ Filter(INDEX_IN("Computers", categories) IS NULL)
      |- ReadTable(products)

Types and Schemas

As part of the Substrait plan, we’ll need to embed the data types of the input tables. In Substrait, each type is a distinct message, which at a minimum contains a field for nullability. For example, a string field looks like:

  "string": {
    "nullability": "NULLABILITY_NULLABLE"

Nullability is an enum not a boolean, since Substrait allows NULLABILITY_UNSPECIFIED as an option, in addition to NULLABILITY_NULLABLE (nullable) and NULLABILITY_REQUIRED (not nullable).

Other types such as VarChar and Decimal have other parameters. For example, our orders.price column will be represented as:

  "decimal": {
    "precision": 10,
    "scale": 2,
    "nullability": "NULLABILITY_NULLABLE"

Finally, there are nested compound types such as structs and list types that have other types as parameters. For example, the products.categories column is a list of strings, so can be represented as:

  "list": {
    "type": {
      "string": {
        "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"
    "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"

To know what parameters each type can take, refer to the Protobuf definitions in type.proto.

Schemas of tables can be represented with a NamedStruct message, which is the combination of a struct type containing all the columns and a list of column names. For the orders table, this will look like:

  "names": [
  "struct": {
    "types": [
        "i64": {
          "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"
        "i32": {
          "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"
        "date": {
          "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"
        "decimal": {
          "precision": 10,
          "scale": 2,
          "nullability": "NULLABILITY_NULLABLE"
    "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"

Here, names is the names of all fields. In nested schemas, this includes the names of subfields in depth-first order. So for the products table, the details struct field will be included as well as the two subfields (manufacturer and year_created) right after. And because it’s depth first, these subfields appear before product_name. The full schema looks like:

  "names": [
  "struct": {
    "types": [
        "i64": {
          "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"
        "list": {
          "type": {
            "string": {
              "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"
          "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"
        "struct": {
          "types": [
              "string": {
                "nullability": "NULLABILITY_NULLABLE"
              "i32": {
                "nullability": "NULLABILITY_NULLABLE"
          "nullability": "NULLABILITY_NULLABLE"
        "string": {
          "nullability": "NULLABILITY_NULLABLE"
    "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"


The next basic building block we will need is expressions. Expressions can be one of several things, including:

  • Field references
  • Literal values
  • Functions
  • Subqueries
  • Window Functions

Since some expressions such as functions can contain other expressions, expressions can be represented as a tree. Literal values and field references typically are the leaf nodes.

For the expression INDEX_IN(categories, "Computers") IS NULL, we have a field reference categories, a literal string "Computers", and two functions— INDEX_IN and IS NULL.

The field reference for categories is represented by:

  "selection": {
    "directReference": {
      "structField": {
        "field": 1
    "rootReference": {}

Whereas SQL references field by names, Substrait always references fields numerically. This means that a Substrait expression only makes sense relative to a certain schema. As we’ll see later when we discuss relations, for a filter relation this will be relative to the input schema, so the 1 here is referring to the second field of products.


Protobuf may not serialize fields with integer type and value 0, since 0 is the default. So if you instead saw "structField": {}, know that is is equivalent to "structField": { "field": 0 }.

"Computers" will be translated to a literal expression:

  "literal": {
    "string": "Computers"

Both IS NULL and INDEX_IN will be scalar function expressions. Available functions in Substrait are defined in extension YAML files contained in Additional extensions may be created elsewhere. IS NULL is defined as a is_null function in functions_comparison.yaml and INDEX_IN is defined as index_in function in functions_set.yaml.

First, the expression for INDEX_IN("Computers", categories) is:

  "scalarFunction": {
    "functionReference": 1,
    "outputType": {
      "i64": {
        "nullability": "NULLABILITY_NULLABLE"
    "arguments": [
        "value": {
          "literal": {
            "string": "Computers"
        "value": {
          "selection": {
            "directReference": {
              "structField": {
                "field": 1
            "rootReference": {}

functionReference will be explained later in the plans section. For now, understand that it’s a ID that corresponds to an entry in a list of function definitions that we will create later.

outputType defines the type the function outputs. We know this is a nullable i64 type since that is what the function definition declares in the YAML file.

arguments defines the arguments being passed into the function, which are all done positionally based on the function definition in the YAML file. The two arguments will be familiar as the literal and the field reference we constructed earlier.

To create the final expression, we just need to wrap this in another scalar function expression for IS NULL.

  "scalarFunction": {
    "functionReference": 2,
    "outputType": {
      "bool": {
        "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"
    "arguments": [
        "value": {
          "scalarFunction": {
            "functionReference": 1,
            "outputType": {
              "i64": {
                "nullability": "NULLABILITY_NULLABLE"
            "arguments": [
                "value": {
                  "literal": {
                    "string": "Computers"
                "value": {
                  "selection": {
                    "directReference": {
                      "structField": {
                        "field": 1
                    "rootReference": {}

To see what other types of expressions are available and what fields they take, see the Expression proto definition in algebra.proto.


In most SQL engines, a logical or physical plan is represented as a tree of nodes, such as filter, project, scan, or join. The left diagram below may be a familiar representation of our plan, where nodes feed data into each other moving from left to right. In Substrait, each of these nodes is a Relation.

A relation that takes another relation as input will contain (or refer to) that relation. This is usually a field called input, but sometimes different names are used in relations that take multiple inputs. For example, join relations take two inputs, with field names left and right. In JSON, the rough layout for the relations in our plan will look like:

    "aggregate": {
        "input": {
            "join": {
                "left": {
                    "filter": {
                        "input": {
                            "read": {
                "right": {
                    "read": {

For our plan, we need to define the read relations for each table, a filter relation to exclude the "Computer" category from the products table, a join relation to perform the inner join, and finally an aggregate relation to compute the total sales.

The read relations are composed of a baseSchema and a namedTable field. The type of read is a named table, so the namedTable field is present with names containing the list of name segments (my_database.my_table). Other types of reads include virtual tables (a table of literal values embedded in the plan) and a list of files. See Read Definition Types for more details. The baseSchema is the schemas we defined earlier and namedTable are just the names of the tables. So for reading the orders table, the relation looks like:

  "read": {
    "namedTable": {
      "names": [
    "baseSchema": {
      "names": [
      "struct": {
        "types": [
            "i64": {
              "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"
            "i32": {
              "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"
            "date": {
              "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"
            "decimal": {
              "scale": 10,
              "precision": 2,
              "nullability": "NULLABILITY_NULLABLE"
        "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"

Read relations are leaf nodes. Leaf nodes don’t depend on any other node for data and usually represent a source of data in our plan. Leaf nodes are then typically used as input for other nodes that manipulate the data. For example, our filter node will take the products read relation as an input.

The filter node will also take a condition field, which will just be the expression we constructed earlier.

  "filter": {
    "input": {
      "read": { ... }
    "condition": {
      "scalarFunction": {
        "functionReference": 2,
        "outputType": {
          "bool": {
            "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"
        "arguments": [
            "value": {
              "scalarFunction": {
                "functionReference": 1,
                "outputType": {
                  "i64": {
                    "nullability": "NULLABILITY_NULLABLE"
                "arguments": [
                    "value": {
                      "literal": {
                        "string": "Computers"
                    "value": {
                      "selection": {
                        "directReference": {
                          "structField": {
                            "field": 1
                        "rootReference": {}

The join relation will take two inputs. In the left field will be the read relation for orders and in the right field will be the filter relation (from products). The type field is an enum that allows us to specify we want an inner join. Finally, the expression field contains the expression to use in the join. Since we haven’t used the equals() function yet, we use the reference number 3 here. (Again, we’ll see at the end with plans how these functions are resolved.) The arguments refer to fields 0 and 4, which are indices into the combined schema formed from the left and right inputs. We’ll discuss later in Field Indices where these come from.

  "join": {
    "left": { ... },
    "right": { ... },
    "type": "JOIN_TYPE_INNER",
    "expression": {
      "scalarFunction": {
        "functionReference": 3,
        "outputType": {
          "bool": {
            "nullability": "NULLABILITY_NULLABLE"
        "arguments": [
            "value": {
              "selection": {
                "directReference": {
                  "structField": {
                    "field": 0
                "rootReference": {}
            "value": {
              "selection": {
                "directReference": {
                  "structField": {
                    "field": 4
                "rootReference": {}

The final aggregation requires two things, other than the input. First is the groupings. We’ll use a single grouping expression containing the references to the fields product_name and product_id. (Multiple grouping expressions can be used to do cube aggregations.)

For measures, we’ll need to define sum(quantity * price) as sales. Substrait is stricter about data types, and quantity is an integer while price is a decimal. So we’ll first need to cast quantity to a decimal, making the Substrait expression more like sum(multiply(cast(decimal(10, 2), quantity), price)). Both sum() and multiply() are functions, defined in functions_arithmetic_demical.yaml. However cast() is a special expression type in Substrait, rather than a function.

Finally, the naming with as sales will be handled at the end as part of the plan, so that’s not part of the relation. Since we are always using field indices to refer to fields, Substrait doesn’t record any intermediate field names.

  "aggregate": {
    "input": { ... },
    "groupings": [
        "groupingExpressions": [
            "value": {
              "selection": {
                "directReference": {
                  "structField": {
                    "field": 0
                "rootReference": {}
            "value": {
              "selection": {
                "directReference": {
                  "structField": {
                    "field": 7
                "rootReference": {}
    "measures": [
        "measure": {
          "functionReference": 4,
          "outputType": {
            "decimal": {
              "precision": 38,
              "scale": 2,
              "nullability": "NULLABILITY_NULLABLE"
          "arguments": [
              "value": {
                "scalarFunction": {
                  "functionReference": 5,
                  "outputType": {
                    "decimal": {
                      "precision": 38,
                      "scale": 2,
                      "nullability": "NULLABILITY_NULLABLE"
                  "arguments": [
                      "value": {
                        "cast": {
                          "type": {
                            "decimal": {
                              "precision": 10,
                              "scale": 2,
                              "nullability": "NULLABILITY_REQUIRED"
                          "input": {
                            "selection": {
                              "directReference": {
                                "structField": {
                                  "field": 1
                              "rootReference": {}
                      "value": {
                        "selection": {
                          "directReference": {
                            "structField": {
                              "field": 3
                          "rootReference": {}

Field indices

So far, we have glossed over the field indices. Now that we’ve built up each of the relations, it will be a bit easier to explain them.

Throughout the plan, data always has some implicit schema, which is modified by each relation. Often, the schema can change within a relation–we’ll discuss an example in the next section. Each relation has it’s own rules in how schemas are modified, called the output order or emit order. For the purposes of our query, the relevant rules are:

  • For Read relations, their output schema is the schema of the table.
  • For Filter relations, the output schema is the same as in the input schema.
  • For Joins relations, the input schema is the concatenation of the left and then the right schemas. The output schema is the same.
  • For Aggregate relations, the output schema is the group by fields followed by the measures.


Sometimes it can be hard to tell what the implicit schema is. For help determining that, consider using the substrait-validator tool, described in Next Steps.

The diagram below shows the mapping of field indices within each relation and how each of the field references show up in each relations properties.

Column selection and emit

As written, the aggregate output schema will be:

0: product_id: i64
1: product_name: string
2: sales: decimal(32, 8)

But we want product_name to come before product_id in our output. How do we reorder those columns?

You might be tempted to add a Project relation at the end. However, the project relation only adds columns; it is not responsible for subsetting or reordering columns.

Instead, any relation can reorder or subset columns through the emit property. By default, it is set to direct, which outputs all columns “as is”. But it can also be specified as a sequence of field indices.

For simplicity, we will add this to the final aggregate relation. We could also add it to all relations, only selecting the fields we strictly need in later relations. Indeed, a good optimizer would probably do that to our plan. And for some engines, the emit property is only valid within a project relation, so in those cases we would need to add that relation in combination with emit. But to keep things simple, we’ll limit the columns at the end within the aggregation relation.

For our final column selection, we’ll modify the top-level relation to be:

  "aggregate": {
    "input": { ... },
    "groupings": [ ... ],
    "measures": [ ... ],
    "common": {
      "emit": {
        "outputMapping": [1, 0, 2]


Now that we’ve constructed our relations, we can put it all into a plan. Substrait plans are the only messages that can be sent and received on their own. Recall that earlier, we had function references to those YAML files, but so far there’s been no place to tell a consumer what those function reference IDs mean or which extensions we are using. That information belongs at the plan level.

The overall layout for a plan is

  "extensionUris": [ ... ],
  "extensions": [ ... ],
  "relations": [
      "root": {
        "names": [
        "input": { ... }

The relations field is a list of Root relations. Most queries only have one root relation, but the spec allows for multiple so a common plan could be referenced by other plans, sort of like a CTE (Common Table Expression) from SQL. The root relation provides the final column names for our query. The input to this relation is our aggregate relation (which contains all the other relations as children).

For extensions, we need to provide extensionUris with the locations of the YAML files we used and extensions with the list of functions we used and which extension they come from.

In our query, we used:

  • index_in (1), from functions_set.yaml,
  • is_null (2), from functions_comparison.yaml,
  • equal (3), from functions_comparison.yaml,
  • sum (4), from functions_arithmetic_decimal.yaml,
  • multiply (5), from functions_arithmetic_decimal.yaml.

So first we can create the three extension uris:

    "extensionUriAnchor": 1,
    "uri": ""
    "extensionUriAnchor": 2,
    "uri": ""
    "extensionUriAnchor": 3,
    "uri": ""

Then we can create the extensions:

    "extensionFunction": {
      "extensionUriReference": 1,
      "functionAnchor": 1,
      "name": "index_in"
    "extensionFunction": {
      "extensionUriReference": 2,
      "functionAnchor": 2,
      "name": "is_null"
    "extensionFunction": {
      "extensionUriReference": 2,
      "functionAnchor": 3,
      "name": "equal"
    "extensionFunction": {
      "extensionUriReference": 3,
      "functionAnchor": 4,
      "name": "sum"
    "extensionFunction": {
      "extensionUriReference": 3,
      "functionAnchor": 5,
      "name": "multiply"

Once we’ve added our extensions, the plan is complete. Our plan outputted in full is: final_plan.json.

Next steps

Validate and introspect plans using substrait-validator. Amongst other things, this tool can show what the current schema and column indices are at each point in the plan. Try downloading the final plan JSON above and generating an HTML report on the plan with:

substrait-validator final_plan.json --out-file output.html